Spring Chimney Cleaning
Annual chimney inspections and cleanings are incredibly important for your safety. Although chimneys and fireplaces can be beautiful focal points in any room of a home and are great for extra warmth, they can still be unsafe. The Chimney Safety Institute of America reports that there are on average 27,000 fires a year that start in a chimney or fireplace. However, all of that can be avoided with preventative maintenance.
Deposits build up in the chimney flue with continued use and after a certain period of time. These deposits will gradually build up blockages, and these can allow poisonous gases to enter the room of the house. Yearly chimney sweeping is recommended to remove all build up; however, if you use your fireplace and chimney frequently or use a coal burning appliance, six months is a better recommendation.
As winter is coming to a close, it is a good time to start thinking about having your chimney and fireplace cleaned. Many homeowners choose spring to clean their chimney and prepare for the next fall and winter, and this can lead to a very busy season for chimney sweeps and cleaners. That is why it is a good idea to call and book a date for a chimney cleaner to come visit you when the weather first begins to get warmer.