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Call Your Local Chimney Sweep About Animals in Your Chimney

When an animal is stuck in a chimney, it is anything but cute. In fact, it can be downright dangerous for you and for your chimney. Unfortunately, many homeowners do not understand the risk an animal in a chimney can actually present.

Keep animals out of your chimney with a chimney cap in Pennsburg & Montgomeryville PAA certified chimney professional, like the ones you can find at Wells & Sons Chimney Sweep, should always be called to extract an animal from a chimney. Many times when homeowners attempt to remove the animal themselves, they end up causing more damage than was necessary to the chimney. Removing a scared, trapped animal can be quite the task, and believe it or not, even removing a dead one from a chimney can be a difficult and hazardous process.

A chimney sweep can remove a live animal from a chimney in a humane way. They also present a much less likely chance that someone will be injured trying to get the animal out. The chimney sweep will then release the animal or take it to a vet or shelter if necessary. There is no need to fear that by calling a certified chimney professional that the animal will be harmed.
Finally, once the animal is removed from your chimney, the chimney sweep can perform an inspection. They can determine what kind of damage was done as a result of the panicked animal and its nice, sharp claws. This is an important step to make sure that your chimney is still safe to use.

After the removal of the animal from your chimney, you might consider installing a chimney cap to prevent the situation from happening again. For those who have yet to experience an animal in your chimney, prevent it from happening in the future by having a chimney cap installed today.