Qualified & Dedicated

Need Chimney Repairs? Start Planning Them Soon!

We’ve kicked off a new year, and now it’s time to start mapping out your 2018. Luckily, the staff at Wells & Sons Chimney can make this your best year yet by helping you out with all of your fireplace and chimney needs! If you’re worried about the state of your system, it’s time you give us a call. Once temperatures heat up again, we can get you taken care of right away!

Chimney repairs and more in Exton & Wescosville PAGet The Best Results

When you get your chimney repairs done in the warmer months, you ensure the best results possible. When temperatures are in a certain range, they allow the materials used to properly cure. This means you won’t need to pay for a repair job, only to risk needing the work repeated down the line – talk about frustrating!

Schedule all of your repairs with our CSIA certified staff right away. Our experienced and qualified team will ensure you get the best results possible, and we guarantee you’ll be more than satisfied with our work! Give us a call today to learn more about all the repair services we can offer you.

Invest In Waterproofing

Warm weather months are also ideal for other services, such as waterproofing. Once we fix up your chimney, you’ll want to ensure it stays protected, so you won’t have to shell out cash for costly repairs year after year. Waterproofing will keep your masonry and brickwork safe from excess moisture, thus significantly reducing your risk of damages in the months ahead.

Our sweeps have the tools and products necessary to set you up right! You’re chimney will stay safe from snow and rain, while still being able to vent out necessary vapors. And waterproofing won’t compromise the look and aesthetic of your system, either! It’s a smart investment and one you’ll be glad you made. Give our team a call today!

Schedule Early!

While spring and summer aren’t typically our busiest months, we urge you to schedule early, so that you can get the time slot that’s most ideal for your schedule. Many homeowners throughout the area like to get their chimney and fireplace work done well before the cold sets in again, so finding a convenient time for us to come in may be more challenging than you think! And once summer is over, our books fill up fast. Call and set up your appointment right away. When fall finally comes back around, you’ll be happy to your have your chimney maintenance out of the way!

If repairs are needed, you really won’t want to put them off longer than necessary. You can rest easy knowing they won’t get worse throughout summer by addressing them right away. Additionally, you’ll avoid paying more for big issues that could have been easily solved earlier on.

What are you waiting for? The time to call us now – talk with us today!