Spring is almost here! Many homeowners are anxious to get started on new home projects and renovations. Yet, in all the excitement associated with warm weather and outdoor fun, it is easy to forget about the health of your chimney.

By having an inspection and cleaning done at the start of spring, you can rest easy throughout the months ahead. Why? Because you know creosote and other debris is not eating away at your brickwork all summer. On top of this, as temperatures rise, the odors from these deposits can easily creep into your home. Consequently they can stick around for a while. This is definitely not an ideal way to live!

Schedule an inspection and cleaning today. This ensures any winter wear and tear is addressed right away!

The Freeze/Thaw Cycle

A major reason why you want your chimney looked at as soon as possible? The possibility of the freeze/thaw process occurring. The freeze/thaw process contributes a lot of the deterioration of your brickwork and mortar. Also, it is something that should be addressed right away.

The freeze/thaw process happens when your bricks absorb a lot of water. When the water freezes in the wintertime, it expands and your brickwork expands with it. When everything melts again during spring, the bricks settle. This puts a lot of extra pressure on your system, as a whole.

If this is an issue for your chimney, a certified technician can take a look at your situation and provide the best solutions possible.

Repairs and Waterproofing

If it discovered that repairs are needed throughout your brickwork, it is best to get these done earlier in the year!  Don’t wait until last minute. A major reason for this? The materials the sweeps use have the opportunity to properly cure. If done in the wintertime, nothing will hold properly. Consequently, you will find yourself with the same issues again in no time.

Once things are patched up, the warm weather provides an ideal time for waterproofing! Waterproofing services are a great measure to take for preventing further damage down the line.

On top of all that, scheduling repair services is a challenge in the fall. Sweeps get extra busy right before winter, as homeowners try to cram in last minute inspections and cleanings in prep for the holiday season. Repairs take some time, so finding convenient time slots may prove to be a difficult task. You would be much better off taking care of any issues now at a time that works better for your schedule.

New Crowns, Repointing, and More!

On top of repairs and waterproofing, your chimney may be in need of new parts, mortar patching, or more! Here at Wells & Sons Chimney Service, we have an extensive list of repairs services so, whatever you need, we are sure we can help you out. On top of that, we are CSIA trained and certified, meaning everything will be up to code and working efficiently.

Depend on us today!