Work Chimney Safety
The focus of chimney safety is usually surrounded around protecting the home from accidental fires that could occur if homeowners do not properly maintain their chimney and have annual chimney inspections. However, it is just as important for chimneys and fireplaces located in the workplace to have regular chimney inspections. Just take a recent fire at Bluefin Bay Resort as an example.
A wood-burning fireplace on the premises was the focus of the preliminary investigation into the fire. The resort had just received a “clean bill of health” on their annual inspection a few months ago, but this was just a reminder that chimneys and fire appliances in the workplace should be maintained at the same level that they are used in the home.
This includes putting the proper safety warnings in place to keep objects from accidentally falling into the fireplace. There should also be childproofing around the fireplace to keep children from getting burned or throwing objects into the fireplace.
If there is a chimney in your workplace, and you are unsure of your safety, make sure to seek out the proper channels to find out if your chimney receives an annual inspection by a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep like Wells and Sons Chimney Sweepe.